Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Charity of the Month: February

Greyhound Pets of America - Arizona Chapter

GPA-AZ is an all-volunteer, 501(c)3 non-profit. They place dogs in the Phoenix area and northern AZ. They will accept any greyhound in need – not only from the track but from shelters and animal control too.

GPA-AZ recently formed a Tucson chapter to help the adopt greys from the Tucson dog track – where the dogs go at the end of their racing careers – the last stop. The dogs at the track drew lots of public attention when the conditions were featured on TV.

Mission Statement
“Our primary objective is to adopt Greyhound dogs into loving homes to give them a long and happy life. Secondly, we want to educate the public about Greyhounds, making them aware that Greyhounds make some of the best pets available. Finally, we are seeking like-minded individuals who can foster these dogs or volunteer their time or funds to help educate the public and aid our rescue mission.”

Picked by Shelley (greytdays)

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